Grow Your Blog!

Hello there!
I hope you are all having a wonderful day and I first want to thank you for stopping by my blog!

Welcome to Crochet Bliss!
I've never been very good at introducing myself on these types of things but I'll do my best for you today!
Guess I'll start off with a few facts, yes? My name is Bliss, and I'm a 23 year old college student. I go to school in Dallas Tx but I live with my family in Alabama. I'm currently taking off a semester to help out my family, and I plan to return to the bustling city life of Dallas in August.

I decided to create this blog at the beginning of the year in part to help me stay motivated in my projects and perhaps connect with other crafters around the world. I was inspired by some friends over at Deviant art who also blog. And since I like to write, and show off the things I make, what better place to do that than a blog?

My main area of crafting is Crochet, though I dabble in embroidery sometimes, I've come to love crochet and what I can create with a simple strand of yarn and a hook. My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a kid but I could never really get it so I put it down. Over a year ago, a friend of mine was making a slouchy hat one day, and I kinda decided that I was going to make one too, just to prove that I could. I just wasn't aware of how much I would come to enjoy and love it.  And then I started making Amigurumi (Crocheted stuffed animals) And That was all she wrote. :D Now I don't go a day without doing a few stitches on something.

I currently have several W.I.P.s on my hooks and I thought I'd share a couple with you guys.

The first is a wip of a granny stripe blanket that I'm making for my oldest Niece's baby shower next month. I'm loving the way it's turning out already and I've barely started it!.

The next is a corner to corner stitch...I think. My Niece taught it to me but I'm not sure what the actual stitch is called. But it's worked from the corner in an alternating pattern and I really like how it works up. This is really just my practice yarn, I think once I get the stitch down and can handle the decreasing to make it square I'll make a washcloth with it. :D

I also wanted to share a couple of photo's of my lil Alien (God-daughter and youngest Nie
ce) She's amazingly spoiled and I love her to death. And then there's my baby. Ruby, she's six years old and a grumpy old maid. (Just in case you're confused, she's a mini doxen.)  And these two are my girls!

she was watching Lalaloopsy on Netflix the camera hound

And since I was snapping photo's this afternoon I thought I'd snap a few of my work area and show it off as well. I'm actually rather proud of it, as it took me two days to clean and get it organized in a way that I liked after I got home from school in December. As you'll see I have a love for all things Star Wars, and star Trek, Captian Jack sparrow and The Hobbit. I'm really rather nerdy, and so when I find things that I like from my favorite shows or books I like to put them on my wall of stuff. I think so far that I have a rather nice collection. :D It's not much but it's my space and I love it. ^^ 

I Hope you've enjoyed this brief tour into my life and work space and I hope you decide to follow me, or come back. 

Oh, I almost forget. For the Grow your blog party, I'm having a giveaway! Anyone who comments on this blog post will be eligible to win. I'll use a random number generator to pick the winner. You don't have to follow me, or even have a blog to win. But you I do have to be able to reach you once the drawing has been complete. So if you are a no reply blogger then you will not be eligible to win. And you must be willing to provide your address.  
The prize will be an Amigurumi teddy bear, in any two colors that you wish. There will be NO cost for shipping. And I will Ship anywhere in the world. :) The drawing will end on February 14th and the winner will be announced on February the 15th. Good luck to you all! And once again, thank you for stopping by!

Sole Fide

My Grandmother and I Christmas 2013

Grow your Blog Party Hosted by 2 Bags Full


  1. Love the poster of Jack Sparrow. Very nice. Also love your work area(actually would love to have a work area, my apartment is too small) =)

    1. Hi Emily! Thanks for dropping by! My Jack poster has been up for about a year and is one of my favorites. :D

      I love my space but it's super tiny. I live at home currently with my parents and younger brother, so My work space is also my bedroom, and the rest of the room outside of what you see is taken up by my bed and dresser xD but it's really amazing what you can do with a small space.

      Thanks again for stopping by! :D

  2. I'm visiting from the Grow Your Blog party. You are very talented! I wish I had learned how to crochet. It is such a wonderful hobby. I am more into papercrafts. I plan to look around a bit more and then be on my way to visit the others. I do hope you will stop by for a visit and enter my giveaway. Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs – Donna

    1. Hi Donna! Thanks for stopping by I really appreciate it! :D
      And thank you for the compliment! And it's never ever too late to learn how to crochet! :D

  3. Nice to meet you! love the blanket and the anonymous square! That's a great stitch

    1. Thanks for stopping in Wendy! And I'm still searching for the name of that stitch so I can find a more detailed way of decreasing it into a square.

      Thanks again for taking the time to look!

  4. i love crocheting too! and I just made baby blankets also. wish my stash was organized like yours. awesome work space you have!

    1. Thank you so much!! I haven't decided if I like making blankets yet or not, but time will tell!

      Thank you for stopping by! I really appreciate it. :D

  5. I'm a new follower... came from Vicki's blog... your work is very beautiful.. pls do check my craft blog :)
    Moxie Craftie

    1. Hi Berina, thank you so much for stopping by and following, I really appreciate it. :D

  6. Replies
    1. Hi Barbara! Thank you for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you took to check out my blog. :D

  7. Hello your blog is beautiful,amigurumis I love! Nice to meet you! Happy Grow your blog

    1. Thank you so much!!! And thanks for dropping by and taking the time to read my blog :D

  8. Hi! I love the picture of you and your grandma :) What a wonderful legacy of crocheting she's left in you. I just took it back up myself and am in the midst of making an infinity scarf. I find crocheting very soothing, don't you? I love all your sweet little animals and would love to be entered in your contest. I look forward to following you and all your projects. Blessings, Diana

    1. Oh, Thank you so much. It's actually the only good photo of my grandmother and I.
      I do find crocheting soothing, it's great therapy, and I can tell when I haven't done it a while I get edgey lol.
      Thank you so very much for stopping by and following me, I really appreciate it. :D

  9. How fun! Such a sweet giveaway!! Love the furry sweetie and the munchkin too. :) I feel like /I am always cleaning my space and then getting it to disaster zone in record time. :) I keep telling my DH that I'm saving money so I can be the first to buy a Holodeck when they are finally invented!!! Happy GYB day!

    1. I know how it is about the cleaning/disaster zone! My space looks nothing like the photo right now! Holodecks are the future! If we save up now we'll possibly have enough money to buy one when it's created :D
      Thanks so much for stopping by and following me. :D

  10. you had me at Stitch ... i love him so ... my hubby & i always say the line "Blue Punch Buggy" ... great movie from Disney. ( :

    hi there. i'm Beth from E. Lizard Breath Speaks - so nice to meet you through the Grow Your Blog get together/party.

    1. One of Disney's best! It's such a great family movie. ^_^ Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my blog Beth! I really appreciate it. :D

  11. Hello, Vicki asked me to be a helper; I'm Sandra from Thistle Cove Farm. Welcome to the GYBP; thank you for participating this year!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! :D I really appreciate it. ^^

  12. Hi,

    Okay,your crochet animals are the cutest things! We're visiting from the GYB event and really enjoyed your blog.

    Deb & Kathy

    1. Thank you!!! I love my animals..hehe... Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my blog! ^^

  13. Crochet is one of my favorites also, but I haven't tried any animals yet. Your's are lovely.

    1. You should try the animals! They really work up pretty fast. :D Thank you SO much for stopping by and reading my blog. <3

  14. Hi - It is nice to meet you and thanks for sharing so much of yourself with us today. This hop is a great way to connect with new people. Happy hopping!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! And this is my first blog hop so I'm rather enjoying it :D So thank you very much for stopping by my blog. :D

  15. Hi Bliss! you have a wonderful blog - and you are great at amigurumi! I can learn a lot from you ! And, you love doxies :) am pleased to follow you!

    1. Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by and following me, I really appreciate it! I can't wait to get to know you better through following your blog as well. :D

  16. I am having fun finding new bloggers to sewing and quilting. Greetings from Oklahoma, USA. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. :D

  17. Girl you are one for my heart, I too love crochet and I have a little mini doxie named Teacup. She's my baby. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada but I'm an Oakey girl by heart and birth. I love your blog and look forward to reading more about you!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. :D I can't wait to get to know you better ^^

  18. I'm a beginner at crochet, though my mother could do it with her eyes closed. I should have paid closer attention. Hope you are enjoying the blog hop! Party on! Aloha

    1. I still think I'm a begginer at Crochet too, I've only been doing it for about a year. I just...have a lot of time on my hand to practice. Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. :D

  19. I know another woman named Bliss! Thanks for sharing your blog. I can't wait to read more posts. I am an embroiderer participating in Grow Your Blog too.


    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. :D I love your redwork it's so good! It makes me want to pick up my needle and hoop again!

  20. Enjoyed my visit. I am following now and will be back soon. I love to crochet, knit, quilt, etc. Visit me at

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. :D I can't wait to get to know you through your blog posts and our interactions to come :D

  21. Greetings from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Your blog is very nice and colourful!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D

  22. Love your crocheted animals and I would love to learn to crochet the blocks. Nice to meet you!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D It's super easy to crochet blocks, in fact doing the blocks is easier than back and forth crochet!

  23. I dabble in crochet as well and I love making amigurami. They are so easy to make look cute :D It's nice to meet you.

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D It's nice to meet you too! I

  24. Hello, Bliss, and what a lovely name you have been given! You have a really nice blog and your work is lovely.

    I am dropping by with the GYB party hosted by Vicki. My blog is just a little over 13 months old and so I am still learning the ins and outs. Crafting, for me, is like breathing.I have to be doing something creative most of the time.

    Crochet is one thing that I have consistently gone back to over the years, though I have not done it much lately because my hand is giving me some trouble. I am 63 and I started when I was just about the age you are now. My only sister, long departed, was my teacher.

    I enjoyed being introduced to you and your lovely blog and it is my hope that you might take a minute or two of your time to pay me a visit a mine, so you and get to know me as well. Have a blessed and beautiful week ahead!

    By the way, that is a really sweet picture of you and your grandmother.

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D I understand about not being able to crochet because of hand problems. I worked as a cashier for 4 years so repetitive movements can bother my wrists, and I sprained my left wrist last July. So I often have to take breaks so I don't over do it. Thank you again so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I can't wait to get to know you better through your blog!

  25. Hi Bliss, visiting from GYB party.. We have a lot in common like, love for crochet,amigurumi, even I do embroidery occasionally and started my blog only last year.. Also I turned 24 recently ( ok that's not a similarity).. Love your amigurumis and your blog.. Have fun making new friends! Will catch up with you soon.. Cheers:)

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D Your age is similar to mine, I turn 24 in June...I'm happy to see that someone closer to my age is blogging about their crafts too! Can't wait to get to know you better :D

  26. Hello, Bliss. I enjoyed reading your blog. Love your mood blocks. My grandmother also taught me to crochet, and last week I picked up a crochet hook for the first time in over 25 yrs and stitched some heart-shaped lavender sachets. I had forgotten how much I enjoy crochet. It's so rewarding! Keep up the good work!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D
      I'm so happy that you've started to crochet again. It's a great least for me. :D

  27. Hello Bliss! Thank you so much for dropping by my blog, and for following along :) I'll link up to you after commenting. I love your creative space ... very much how I would've decorated things when I was young(er)! I still am sort of nerdy and there are lots of similarities in our tastes. I have a "Stitch" antennae head thingy on my van, love the Hobbit (books over movie), the Pirate movies, Star Trek, Battlestar Gallactica and Dr Who (well, there's lots more, but I don't want to scare you off ;) Well, here's to a new friendship! Wendy x (ps I even used to have a Daschund named Skipper!)

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D

      Nerds are the new cool people! :D And Yes! The Hobbit book is far better than the movies. But the movie wasn't too bad. I haven't gotten into Dr Who yet, though I've been trying, but I started with the 1st Dr, but I don't like I'm not sure yet if I'll keep going.
      I look forward to getting to know you better. :D

  28. Nice crochet! And, you have a fun way of organizing your stuff so you can actually see it all!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D
      Yeah, I was trying to make it so I wouldn't make a mess every time I wanted to get to my yarns :D

  29. Enjoyed your crocheted blocks. I am starting to crochet Amigurumi animals and birds. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D And you're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed my works!

  30. Hi! Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate the time you've spent here. :D

  31. Hi, I like your amigurumi animals they're awesome! I imagine crochet would be quite therapeutic and help you unwind after doing all of your college work.

    1. Thank you so much! It is very therapeutic and I can totally tell when I haven't been doing it. It get all antsy and finger itchy.

  32. Hi Bliss. I was in Alabama this week during the winter crisis. Was hoping to get away from Indiana weather but that didn't happen. LOL. Anyway, it's nice to meet you and see your crafting space. Would love to have a chance at your bear. Hope you do get back to school as well as continue to enjoy doing the things that make you happy.

    1. Oh wow, I'm sorry you got stuck here! We don't handle the weather so well, so it's crazy here when it snows or ices. I'm gad you stayed safe though!

  33. Love your crochet work, just starting to teach myself.

    1. Thank you! It's so much fun when you start making things up quickly. ^^

  34. Hi! I come to visit your blog via Vicki's Grow Your Blog Party. Isn't Vicki wonderful?! I too am a crocheter. I am presently working on a baby blanket with an angel in the center. It is the first time I am working off of a chart.

    Happy blogging!

    1. Vicki is amazing! I'm not sure I'd have the attention span or patience to run a something as big as the GYB party; so I'm very grateful that she did. Ooh I haven't worked off of a chart yet, but I'm itching to do a pixelated type crochet blanket soon. I found a Storm trooper one that I want to get to. :D

  35. I am very jealous of your work space ... mine is a bit all over the place ... as I do not have anything solely dedicated. I wish I could find crochet natural. I knit and when I picked up a hook to do a few (more like 150) flowers for a top I seriously could not understand what was missing for some time ... it was in the balance ... it was all wrong (no 2nd needle).

    Hope you are enjoying the party.


    1. Haha, on a productive day my work space looks like a yarn explosion. And I feel exactly that way when I try to knit. I want to knit so badly, but I just can't seem to get the hang of holding two needles and all the wrap arounds, and the tension. >.< I usually end up with a at least 6 inches if not more of yarn between the two needles and I'm almost sure that's not normal!

      Thanks for stopping by! :D

  36. You know what I love best about your place? It's so colorful! :)

    The photo of you and your grandmother is so sweet -- it has been nice to see a face to a name.

    Of course, I also loved to see Stitch at the beginning of your post -- I am a big Disney fan.

    Anyway, thanks for the chance to win a Amigurumi teddy bear. What a lovely idea! Mine would be lilac and violet (Rapunzel's colors).

    Greetings from Germany,

    1. Aw thanks! Yeah, I love to have color, but I also like dark colors, which doesn't do to well in small spaces. (like my room.) Disney is the way to go yo! I love Disney, I'm especially in love with the new movies, like Brave and Frozen. ;D

      Thanks for dropping by! :D


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Hi there! Thanks for stopping by and reading my post. I'm glad you've decided to leave a comment, I like getting them, they make me feel like I'm not writing to myself! I reply to all my comments, even though it may take me a little bit, I DO reply.
Have a great, fantastic day/evening/night/morning!

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