Freak Snow Storm

So...I was going to post a new blog post today! But...we had a freak unforecasted snowstorm to happen. It's been a heck of a day, and I'm exhausted. But I wanted to say Hi to all of my new followers! I can't wait to get to know all of you! I haven't gotten to skim my comments yet but hopefully I can do that soon. Also...I was able to make my first snow angel in my entire life...and it came out much like Patrick's over there lol. :D I hope you all are in far better shape than Alabama is in right now. Please keep us in your prayers this week!
I felt much like this kitten today....
PS: please let me know if my new blog colors are too dark to read. :) 
Sola Fide


  1. Pink and black work wonderful on my screen.
    I have seen the pictures of all the South and am praying for all of you. Having grown up in South West Texas, I know how hard it is to get around in that kind of snow when you aren't used to it.
    It does eventually go away, though. In the meantime take pictures because the snow can make absolutely breathlessly beautiful photos.
    Trying to send heat your way!

    1. Oh good! Thank you. :D

      Thank you for your prayers as well, we need them. Yes, it will eventually go away and I'm happy about that. I did take a few photo's today, thankfully we didn't get anymore snow, so it was dry enough to go out :D

  2. prayers for you Bliss! Colors look lovely :) blowing warm sun over to you all from California ~

    1. Thank you so much! I truly envy you the sun right now. :D


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