80's Yarn

Are so much fun, and you can do so much with them. Really. I am currently in a Square swap, and I've made so, so many of them. xD  But I can't share them with you just yet, not until the end of the swap and then I can show you all the pretties!

But as I was making those squares I was inspired to make an afghan for my niece, and I had the perfect yarn for that. A month before I was visiting a thrift store in Texas, and I found 10 skeins of Caron Dazzle aire yarn from the 80's! There were about 6 skeins of Peach and 4 of variegated Sherbert. It was gorgeous! And the price was a steal too, a buck ($1) a piece. I nabbed all they had, even thought I wasn't sure at the time what I was going to do with it.

Finally I decided on an afghan for my Alien (my niece and goddaughter). Thankfully it didn't take as long as I thought it was going to. Only about 3 and half months, I worked on it in between classes, and other projects and finished it late November. I probably would have finished it much quickly had I worked on it constantly. It turned out to be 53'x53' which is a good size for a three year old I think. And though she'll eventually grow out of it she will still be able to use it as a throw blanket.

I am SUPER proud of it for sure though, so here ya go, a nice little photo.
And how do you like my Model? Her name is Ruby! 


  1. This turned out really well Bliss and is so pretty in person! Of course your model looks lovely sitting on the blanket...maybe you need to hook her one up...


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