
Showing posts from 2015

M is for Master and Commander

Master and Commander is not only one of my most liked movies it's also one of my dad's fave's. So that of course makes it a classic in my book. has Russell Crowe and Paul Bettany...what else does a movie need? hmm? xD

L is for Land Before Time

Land Before Time was and is one of my favorite childhood movies. It's baby dinosaurs! What more do you need? :D  Also, as you can see I've kind of left off the crocheting part of my theme, because I simply don't have the amount of time I thought I would. And I seem to have caught a chest cold in the past week so it's rather hard to focus on crochet projects at the moment.  I have less than a month left of school before I head home for the summer though! So that's exciting!!

K is for Kronk's new Groove

Hey guys, sorry for the lack of keeping up with this challenge. The beginning of the week is usually rather busy for me, and then Tuesday/Wednesday I caught a nasty cough and it's gotten worse as the week has progressed and I haven't felt like posting, or really doing anything but the things that I have to out of responsibilities sake. And I've been tired and uninspired to post as well. However! I want to thank Sandy from Bridge and Beyond . She sent me an encouragement today that gave me the little boost I needed to make a short post for you guys and this challenge today. She has a wonderful blog that you should need to check out about helping others. This is her blog's mission statement: Our mission is to warm those in need through knitting, crocheting, and quilting. Our NEW hand made items provide hope to those living outdoors and those in temporary shelters. We provide for Men, Women, and Children in Central Ohio all year long. Specific details available by c...

J is for Juno

While I don't advocate teens having sex or even sex before marriage. I rather enjoyed this strange little movie. 

I is for Indiana Jones


H is for Hook


G is for Granny Squares & Grease

Apologies for the late post. This past week has been crazy busy. We had campus days events this week at my school plus a live music recording from the school's worship team, but I will prevail and catch up! Eventually!! xD  Granny's that I'm working on for a project.

F is for Flower & Footloose!

My apologies for being late on this post, yesterday was super busy with school things and I just didn't have time to work on anything, not even something as small as what I managed to do this morning. So, without further ado!  A flower broach/pin/decoration!  The pattern isn't mine, I found it on pinterest and I have tried to find it again but I haven't been able to, I've looked and if you see one that looks like this, link me back to it so I can credit the creator! The pattern was really simple though. Just a magic circle 8 SC (single Crochet),  and then for the smaller round 4 DC (double crochet)  in each stitch and then for the larger one, 5 TC (triple crochet) in each stitch and that was pretty much it! Footloose ya'll!! This movie is like my all time favorite movie. I love it so much...and Kevin Bacon!  It's totally the hair... He's still so smexy to look at too, in my opinon. Sola Fide Blissy

E is for Earphones & Easter

I crocheted over my earbud wire so maybe it wouldn't get tangled so often!! I plan on doing my other set as well as the charging cable for my phone as well as I have time. (Also do you even know how hard it was to come up with a crochet idea for the letter E? was hard lol)  Easter!!! So, I don't really dress up for Easter...but I kind of did yesterday cause I felt amazing and had gotten enough sleep for the first time in over a week. :D And I felt particularly sassy and confident in myself.  JESUS IS ALIVE!!!!!!! Sola Fide Blissy

D is for Dragon Coaster & Dirty Dancing

Dragon Coasters Pattern By Dragonfaeriee I love this movie, I know it backwards and front wards and everyotherwaywards. xD I've watched it so many times over the years. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." *swoons*  Amazing movie! So was discussing my movie choice of the evening with my friend Nikki, and she proceeded to quote bits of the movie to me by memory. :D I'm not nearly that good lol but she did quote this one that I could say along with her; "Me? Im scared of everything I'm scared of who I am, what I did, what I saw but most of all I'm afraid of walking out of this room and never feeling the way I feel...when I'm with you." Sola Fide 

C is for Corner to Corner

Hi Guys!! Today is C2C Also known as Corner to Corner Crochet. I learned this stitch through a wonderful tutorial from Mikey at the Crochet Crowd This is a little pouch I made up to hold my pads in my school bag. My messenger bag surprisingly lacks inside pockets that close, so the people behind me can see into my bag when they stand or whatnot. So...solution!  Washcloths!! I've only made four thus far, but I plan on making a few more in the same colors. :D Thanks for Stopping by!! Sola Fide  Blissy