Birthday Afghan and My Alien

Guys! You have NO idea how stupidly proud of this afghan I am. It's the first full sized one I've made and oh my goodness was it a PAIN in the hiney to work on. 

As you see I started with blocks and then went in rounds, and then added more blocks. That was NOT the best of me don't do it!! But by the time I realized it wouldn't work I had made all those smaller blocks...I had to frog and add until I could make them work. xD  Then I did more rounds...but it wasn't get long enough!!! So I went from rounds to back and forth rows. I did ten on each end, and then a couple more rounds and by that point it was plenty wide enough and I was running out of yarn. So more back and forth it was! I thought I was never going to finish it in time for my dad's birthday (July 11th). But I did!!! I was a day early in fact..and I breathed the BIGGEST sigh of relief when I finished it I promise you. 

 It took roughly 2 months, with a few other projects between. It's 60in wide and 80in long. I used 2 skeins of red heart I love this yarn in aqua (I think) for the dark blue 3 skeins of red heart supersaver charcoal, 3 skeins red heart supersaver turqua and 2 skeins of crafters secret in splash. So 10 skeins of yarn. I used a 5mm crochet hook and double crochet stitch throughout.
 And of course My dad LOVED IT! :D

And...I just want to share a couple of photos of my sweet Niece and goddaughter. Okay, so she only LOOKS sweet, sometimes she can be a handful. She's almost 4 years old and boy is she a sassy little thing. But we all love her so much and spoil her even though we shouldn't.

I took a bunch of photo's the last time she had a 'sleepover' and I just wanted to share the cuteness!!

And also MANY MANY MANY thanks to my bestest friend in New York who sent a box full of books for Alien to 'read' and play with. :D

Sola Fide


  1. Congrats on finishing this blanket in time. It turned out well and you would never know that it caused problems.

  2. You should be very proud of the blanket you made your dad...a great job and he loves it.


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