
At the urging of my Dad and Brother I went out to the lakeside park with them Friday evening and took photo's while they kicked around  a soccer ball. (or football for those Non-Americans ;))   I don't feel like I was able to capture many great photo's because of the poor lighting but I did manage to get a few that I'm happy enough with to share.

The geese really had my attention, and I tried my hardest to 'sneak up' on them. There were three Geese families all with little chicks. They were adorable but the moment I got very close they slipped off into the water. 

Hope you all have had a great weekend!!
Sola Fide



  1. Hey there, those are lovely pictures... Yes I did have a great weekend. Hope you did too. Have a great week!!

    1. Thank you so much!!
      I did have a great weekend that week, ^^ I'm glad you did as well. :)

  2. Wonderful pics B, looks like you had a great time regardless of the geese allowing you to get close to them.

  3. Those are beautiful! I love seeing the geese in silhouette against the water. That must have been fun in person.


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