
Showing posts from May, 2014

The Fault In Our Stars - John Green *Spoilers may be within this post if you haven't read it yet*

I've been wanting to read this book for over a year now but I hadn't gotten around to it. Well, last night I got around to it. Once I opened the book I was lost in a world of not being able to breath and fear and the certainty that one of the characters that I was falling in love with was going to die. I had only intended to read a couple of chapters before I went to bed, but time was meaningless as I devoured one page after the next, riveted by Hazel's story. I read the book in five and half hours, unable to put it down. It wasn't until I woke up this afternoon that I realized why this work of fiction resonated so deeply within me. I was Hazel Grace. Or, I very well could have been. It was like reading what my life could have been like had God not gifted me with a miracle. I was born with Cystic Fibrosis. Cystic fibrosis is a disease passed down through families that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract, and other areas of t...

Spring Flowers

Sole Fide  Bliss


At the urging of my Dad and Brother I went out to the lakeside park with them Friday evening and took photo's while they kicked around  a soccer ball. (or football for those Non-Americans ;))   I don't feel like I was able to capture many great photo's because of the poor lighting but I did manage to get a few that I'm happy enough with to share. The geese really had my attention, and I tried my hardest to 'sneak up' on them. There were three Geese families all with little chicks. They were adorable but the moment I got very close they slipped off into the water.  Hope you all have had a great weekend!! Sola Fide Bliss

More Bleaching

Well guys, I decided to try out some more bleaching!!  I have this variegated cotton yarn my mom gave me a while back and I personally just don't like it one little bit. So I've been trying to figure out what to do with the pound of of it I have. So, I rolled it off it's cone into 4 center pull balls and my Mom suggested that I try and bleach it. So I did... I can't say I'm in love with the results, but it's a sight better than what it was before lol. Before After Sole Fide Bliss

Mother's Day

I hope all of the mothers out there had a very happy Mother's day. I'm not yet a mother so It was really just another day for me.  I made Middle Eastern cumin meatballs and mashed potato's for dinner for my Momma, and it was surprisingly good. I can't eat beef so I substituted ground beef for ground venison (deer meat!) And I was really surprised at the outcome. I don't usually do anything like this, I'm more of a soup cooker. I followed the recipe pretty much except for the sauce. It needed a lot of time I'm going to try instant potato's as a thickener, watery sauces aren't my thing. I didn't get photo's, sadly I forgot. But the 3lbs of meatballs were gone so I guess that means it was good! Now on to the gift! I was really at a loss on what to give my mom this year as I'm currently jobless so had no funds to buy her anything. So, of course I turn to my handy hook and yarn!  Just a tip...never wait till the las...

Silent Sunday



Guys! I taught myself to knit!!! I am SO proud of myself. It took for. ever. To knit this length of scarf before I ran out of yarn. It made me sad...because I had to frog it. I'm working on a new one now, a skinnier one. So maybe it will get long enough this time!! But I'm just so excited about being able to do this now. :D  I can't wait until I'm good enough to knit socks!!! that's really the only reason I want to so I can knit socks. xD Sole Fide Bliss